Now showing items 13-27 of 27

    • The Method of Translation and Practices' 

      Fukada, Herman (LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2016-11)
      This book is entitled An English Oblique Translation Analysis of “Twitter” Social Networking Website into Indonesian. This research is conducted in order to analyze a translation from one social networking website, twitter, ...
    • Model Pembelajaran Matematik Berbasis Discovery Learning dan Direct Instruction 

      Juliardi Sinaga, Samuel; Fadhilaturrahmi, Fadhilaturrahmi; Ananda, Rizki; Ricky, Zuhar (Widina, 2022-06-01)
      Matematika adalah suatu bentuk aktivitas manusia. Matematika sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran di sekolah dinilai sangat memegang peranan rasional, kritis, cermat, efektif, dan efisien. Matematika merupakan mata pelajaran ...
    • Modul English Drama Perfomance 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (2023-02-01)
      Literature, in a broad sense, means compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotion, and analyze ideas. Since drama or play meets those characteristics perfectly, it becomes one of the literary genres ...
    • Modul Pengantar Pendidikan 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (2023-02-01)
      Manusia merupakan subjek dari pendidikan dan merupakan sasaran dari pendidikan. Manusia dikaruniai potensi-potensi yang perlu dikembangkan agar terealisasi dalam kehidupan. dalam mengembangkan potensi-potensi yang dimiliki ...

      Pakpahan, Carolina (2023-02-01)
      In the world of education now, of course, students or students are required to always have an opinion, especially in the world of politics, they are required to think critically to add new insights that might be needed in ...
    • Paradigma Bahasa 

      Pangaribuan, Tagor (Graha Ilmu, 2008-01-01)
      Buku ini kajian paradigma. Paradigma adalah suau perangkat ilmiah berupa konstruk peneitian yang digunakan aliran filsafat tertentu. Buku ini mencandar apa Bahasa itu dengan perspektif filsafat yang ada di ilmu Bahasa, ...
    • Persamaan Diferensial 

      Unknown author (Rumah Cemerlang, 2021-09-10)
    • Profesi Kependidikan 

      Simanjuntak, Ruth Mayasari (2016-02)
    • Profesi Kependidikan 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (Insight Mediatama, 2023-07-01)
      Pendidikan adalah proses belajar mengajar terhadap peserta didik, agar memiliki kecerdasan dan berkarakter yang baik, baik untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk masyarakat. Sebuah pendidikan biasanya diajarkan oleh seorang guru, ...
    • Psycholinguistics Some Aspects of Classroom Implementation In NNs Settings 

      Pangaribuan, Tagor (L-Sapa Pematang Siantar, 2012-01-01)
      This book is a continuous set of ELT classrooms in non native settings (NNs). English communicative quality has been the secret and the mystery of successful learners. Experts for centuries agrees that English communicative ...
    • Reading for Gist 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (Perkumpulan Rumah Cemerlang Indonesia, 2023-06-01)
      Gist is the overall meaning, the core idea, of a spoken or written discourse. When taking a quick look at a written text to establish its genre and the main message its writer means to get across, we're reading for gist. ...
    • Teaching Materials for Psycholinguistics 

      Manurung, Lastri Wahyuni (Repository Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2022-09-15)
      This handout is complemented by related theories to enrich the explanations of psycholinguistics to students. The materials are compiled to 11 subjects of discussion, they are: 1. Introduction: What Is Psycholinguistics? 2. The ...
    • TEFL-2 ELT Transformative Teaching Skills 

      Pangaribuan, Tagor (USU Press Art Design, Publishing & Printing Gedung F Jl. Universitas No. 9, Kampus USU Medan, Indonesia, 2018-01)
      This book is the outcome of Grant Research Ministry of Research and Technology 2015-2016 on English Language Teaching (RistekdiktiSimlitabmas 2015-2016}.Human being learns for international state of affairs. Human being ...

      Pangaribuan, Tagor (USU Press Art Design, Publishing & Printing Gedung F Jl. Universitas No. 9, Kampus USU Medan, Indonesia, 2018-01)
      Penelitan ini mengkaji watak guru bangsa. Penelitian ini mengkaji prinsip apa yang menata tindak tutur orang bagaimana Indonesia berIndonesia sebagaimana diperdebatkan para begawan, perwatakan dan pewatakan Indonesia. ...
    • The Translational Procedure of English Poetry into Bahasa Indonesia 

      Sidabutar, Usman SS., M.Hum; Napitupulu, Selviana Prof. Dr. Dra., M.Hum. (Majalah Ilmiah ( VISI ) Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2019-02)
      The objective of the study is to find out the types of translations are dominantly used by the student to translate the English Poetry and the differences existence of English version different from the contents of Indonesian ...