Browsing LP - International Published Articles by Author "Herman"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Affixes Analysis in a Bible at Philippians Scripture
Herman (International Technology and Science (ITS) Publication - Education Journal, 2018-02-06)This research aimed at analyzing and describing of affixes in a Bible at Philippians scripture. In having a language, it is derived from the smallest level to the biggest one; started from morpheme, word, phrase (group), ... -
An Analysis of Indonesian Slang Words in Mojok Essay
Purba, Agi Julianto Martuah; Herman; Purba, Christian Neni (A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-23)The purpose of this study was to determine the type of use of slang language, how to form slang languages and to find out factors that influence the development of slang in Stigma Terhadap Ibu Rumah Tangga Yang Sudah ... -
An Analysis of Politeness Principle Maxims Found in Big Hero 6 Movie
Pardede, Hilman; Herman; Pratiwi, Widya (A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-27)This research was intended to find out types of politeness maxims in Big Hero 6 movie. When people communicate, there will be a principle, general truth, or pattern. Every communication contains politeness and violation. ... -
An Analysis of the Contents of Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in Semantic Role
Sitanggang, Vandort; Hutahaean, David Togi; Herman (A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-27)Language is used to know how to produce and understand and acquire sentences with particular meanings in communicational interaction. In language we would find for how to analyze the meaning of languages which uttered or ... -
Category Shifts In the English Translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Movie Subtitle into Indonesia (An Applied Linguistics Study)
Herman (IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2014-12-20)This research is conducted in order to find out the shifts in movie subtitle of Harry Potter especially for the Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone Movie Subtitle into Indonesia. In translating text, shifts are ... -
Chinese Wedding Ceremony in Pematangsiantar
Herman (IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2016-04-20)The major goal of this article is to present the Chinese wedding ceremony in Pematangsiantar, Indonesia. Every wedding ceremony has its own process and characteristics. In Indonesia, there are a lot of wedding ceremonies ... -
A Deixis Analysis of Song Lyrics in Calum Scott “You Are the Reason”
Herman; Sitorus, Elsaria (Science PG: International of Science and Qualitative Analysis, 2019-06-24)This research is entitled A DEIXIS ANALYSIS OF SONG LYRICS IN CALUM SCOTT “YOU ARE THE REASON”. The aims of the mini research is to analyze the kinds ofdeixisand the dominant deixis in song lyrics “you are the reason” ... -
A Direct Translation Analysis of Mobile Phone User Guides - An Applied Linguistics Study
Herman (IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2015-03-16)This research aimed at analyzing and describing the types of direct translation found in a mobile phone user guides. The data were analyzed through a translation theory stated by Vinay and Darbelnet, they were direct ... -
An English Oblique Translation Analysis of “Twitter” Social Networking Website into Indonesian: An Applied Linguistics Study
Herman; Rajagukguk, Juniyati (Sciemce PG: International and Public Affaris, 2019-07-26)he objective of this research is to analyze and find out the oblique translation through the terms and sentences from English version into Indonesian version. Social media like Twitter is one of many media that are used ... -
Ethnography of Communication Analysis in the Short Story of Romeo and Juliet
Herman (International Technology and Science Publications (ITS), 2019-10-21)This research analyzes the ethnography of communication used in the short story of Romeo and Juliet using both S-P-E-A-K-I-N-G and Speech Event theories of Dell Hymes (1972). This research is aimed to explain the elements ... -
Hyme’s Speaking and Speech Event Analysis in the Comedy Television Series: “Brooklyn 99”
Togatorop, Desy Aprianty; Sihombing, Partohap; Herman (A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-27)This study investigated the occurrence of speech events in “BROOKLYN 99” comedy series (Season #1, Episode #1) to probe such phenomena in media discourse. This study presented not only a sample of spoken discourse about ... -
Illocutionary Acts Analysis of Chinese in Pematangsiantar
Herman (International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 2015-12-20)This research is entitled Illocutionary Acts Analysis of Chinese in Pematangsiantar. This research is conducted in order to analyze the utterances of Chinese who live in Hos Cokroaminoto, Pematangsiantar. Austin (1975:3) ... -
Shift in Translation from English into Indonesia on Narrative Text
Herman (Science Publishing Group (Science PG), 2017-07-31)This research focuses on the theory of shifts in translation to the text of narrative. The data were analyzed through a translation theory stated by Catford, they were structure shift, class shift, unit shift, and intra-system ... -
The Speech Acts Between Teacher and Students in Teaching and Learning Process
Pasaribu, Serefina; Herman; Silalahi, Dumaris E. (A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-27)This research deals with the teacher between grade eight student of SMP Negeri 6 Pematangsiantar in the classroom. The research problem is formulated as follows: What speech act are used by the teacher and grade eight ... -
Structures of Representational Metafunctions of the “Cheng Beng” Ceremony in Pematangsiantar: A Multimodal Analysis
Herman; Murni, Sri Minda; Sibarani, Berlin; Saragih, Amrin (Primrose Hall Publishing Group, 2019-12)This research discusses structures of representational metafunctions in the Chinese cultural ceremony known as Cheng Beng. The visual multimodal components were the primary focus since the culture of the Cheng Beng ceremony ... -
Students’ Difficulties in Pronouncing the English Labiodental Sounds
Herman (Science Publishing Group (Science PG), 2016-10-17)This research is conducted in order to find out the most difficult position in pronouncing the English labiodental sounds at the second grade of Senior High School of Taman Siswa Pematangsiantar. There are some various ... -
Suffixes Found in Narrative Writing at Grade Eight of SMP Methodist Pematangsiantar
Herman (IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2015-04-20)This research is conducted in order to find out the kinds of suffix used in narrative writing at grade eight of SMP Methodist Pematangsiantar. In English language, Halliday stated that the level is derived from the smallest ... -
Translation Procedures of the Subtitle of Film Tanah Air Beta from Indonesian into English
Herman (Discovery Scientific Society - Indian Journal of Arts, 2018-03)This research entitled “Translation Procedures of the Subtitle of Film Tanah Air Beta from Indonesia into English”. This research uses Vinay and Darbelnet’s theory in Venuti (2000:84) in analyzing the procedures of translation ... -
Translation Shift Analysis of Synopsis Novel Sapphire Rose
Herman (Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL), 2016-11-19)This research aimed at analyzing and describing the types of translation shift found a novel The sapphire Rose. The data were analyzed through a translation theory stated by Catford, they were structure shift, class shift, ...