An English Oblique Translation Analysis of “Twitter” Social Networking Website into Indonesian: An Applied Linguistics Study
he objective of this research is to analyze and find out the oblique translation through the terms and sentences
from English version into Indonesian version. Social media like Twitter is one of many media that are used by people to
communicate for near or far direction. To be able to use the media, translation is needed in order to have a good understanding
in communication. Since its importance, this research is conducted in order to analyze a translation from one social networking
website, twitter, which is served into bilingual version, English and Indonesian. The data is analyzed through a translation
theory stated by Vinay and Darbelnet. The theory divides the method of translation into 2 main parts, (1) literal or direct
translation which covers borrowing, calque, and literal translation. Meanwhile (2) an oblique translation, which is also called
as translation procedures, serves transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. The research method in this research
used is qualitative description. The data are taken from each sentence written in English (as Source Language/SL) into
Indonesian (as Target Language/TL). After describing a translation theory about definition and translation procedures, it can be
concluded that all procedures (oblique translation) are used and found in one social networking service, twitter. They are
transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation