Browsing LP - International Published Articles by Title
Now showing items 43-62 of 107
Figurative Language Used by the Students in Writing a Personal Letter
(Magister of English Education Program Graduate School of Nommensen HKBP Nommensen University Medan-North Sumatra Indonesia, 2017-06)This research presents about figurative language used by the students in writing a personal letter at grade XI in SMA Negeri 2 Pematangsiantar, which had found that the students used figurative language in their writing a ... -
Future ELT Research Skim and Praxis A Philosophical Quest
(PMC Publisher, Singapore, 2017-10-01)This research explores the philosophy of English Language Teaching (ELT). This is due to the fact that for the last half century since 1970's, philosophers of language have been quite busy with defining language, each ... -
Gabungan Paduan Suara - Sepasang Manusia
(Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar -
Hai Burung yang Indah
(Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar -
Hening, Sunyi dan Sepi
(Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar -
Hidup Ini Mempunyai Hari
(Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar -
High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of Spark Plasma Sintered FeCrAlTiY-10 Mass% MoSi2 Coating on Low Carbon Steel
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020-03-31)In the present study, we prepared the FeCrAlTiY-10 mass% MoSi2 coating on low carbon steel using the spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique. Its resistance against oxidation and corrosion was studied in air and atmosphere ... -
High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of FeCrAlTiY-MCrAlY (M = Co and Ni) Coatings on Carbon Steel Prepared by Flame Spray Technique
(Pleiades Publishing, 2020)Four different composition of FeCrAlTiY-x MCrAlY (M = Co and Ni, x = 0, 10, 20, and 30 in mass %) coatings were prepared onto carbon steel substrate using a flame spray technique. The high tempera ture oxidation resistance ... -
How to Improve the Ability of Introvert of STudents in Speaking through Buzz Group Technoque in FKIP UHN pematangsiantar
(Faculty of Letters University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, 2012)This study attempts to improve the ability of the students in speaking through buzz group technique. The problem in this study is “ Is there any significance for the students’ ability in speaking class by using Buzz Group ... -
Hyme’s Speaking and Speech Event Analysis in the Comedy Television Series: “Brooklyn 99”
(A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-27)This study investigated the occurrence of speech events in “BROOKLYN 99” comedy series (Season #1, Episode #1) to probe such phenomena in media discourse. This study presented not only a sample of spoken discourse about ... -
Illocutionary Acts Analysis of Chinese in Pematangsiantar
(International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 2015-12-20)This research is entitled Illocutionary Acts Analysis of Chinese in Pematangsiantar. This research is conducted in order to analyze the utterances of Chinese who live in Hos Cokroaminoto, Pematangsiantar. Austin (1975:3) ... -
(Contemporary Research Center CRC Publications, 2020-08)This study aims to discover the level of the 2013 curriculum implementation result in whole Medan city. The implementation of this curriculum is seen from several indicators such as the success of the socialization of the ... -
Improvement of carbon steel resistance against high temperature oxidation and corrosion by flame sprayed FeCrAlTiY-30 mass% CoNiCrAlY coating using N2 pressure
(AIP Publishing, 2020-03-31)Flame spray technique with nitrogen pressure was used to deposit FeCrAlTiY-30 mass% CoNiCrAlY coating on the surface of low carbon steel. The resistance of the sample against oxidation and corrosion at high temperature ... -
Influence of Induction Motorcycle in Electricity Generator Which Involved Stated Turbine Protection Reviewed by Characteristic Vibration and Time Domain
(Jurnal Visi Universitas HKBP Nommensen, 2018-01-01)Study of vibration characteristics of an induction motor that is not controlled and is not closely monitored and regularly adversely affects the vibration and the impact on comfort and engine life. This study aims to ... -
Influence of induction motorcycle in electricity generator which involved stated turbine protection reviewed by characteristic vibration and time domain
(Nommensen International Conference On Technology And Engineering, 2018-07-19)Study of vibration charachteristic of an induction motor that is not controlled and is not closely monitored and regularly adversely affects the vibration and the impact on comfort and engine life . This study aims to ... -
The influence of sintering temperature on characteristic of ceramics based on bentonite, glass bead and alumina
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2019)Bentonite, glass bead, and Al2O3 based fine ceramics with variation of sinter temperatures (900, 1000, 1100, and 1200°C) have been prepared by powder metallurgy method. The preparation process of raw materials starts ... -
Is Apolipoprotein A5-1131T>C Polymorphism A Contributing Factor For Tryglyceride Level In Metabolic Syndrome
(American Research Insitute for Polycy Development, 2015-12-26)Metabolic syndrome is a group of metabolic disorders with high prevalence in several populations and is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke with high mortality rate. Dyslipidemia in metabolic syndrome is ... -
Jika Aku Melihat Bumi Ini
(Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar -
Kami Adalah Kuli
(Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar -
Kata Mutiara Mengiringi Hari Ini
(Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar