Sotarduga Sihombing. In the role of Principal Efforts to Improve the
Quality of Education Through School-Based Management: A Case Study
Kalam Kudus Pematangsiantar Christian High School. Thesis, Master of
Management, Graduate University of Medan-Pematangsiantar HKBP
Nommensen. September 2013.
The background of this research is the disparity of quality education at all
levels and units of education , especially primary and secondary education . The
quality of the education gap is one indicator of the role of principals as
educational leaders in school management is not maximized.
Departing from this background , the authors are encouraged to research more
about the role of school principals in an effort to improve the quality of edu cation
that is focused on the role of school principals in an effort to improve the quality
of education through school-based management.
This study aims to reveal and explain the principal understanding of the school
's vision and efforts that made the head of the school in improving the quality of
education in schools through curriculum and learning mana gement , workforce,
student and facilities and infrastructure . To achieve these objectives this study
used a qualitative approach with a design case study.
Data collection methods used indudes : a ) interviews, b ) observations , and
c ) the study documentation . Data were collected through three techniques are
organized , interpreted , and analyzed repeatedly , then analyzed the case in order
to draw up concepts and abstractions research findings . Credibility of the data is
checked by triangulation procedure , member checking , and peer discussion .
The research findings showed that : first , the principal is very understanding in
the school 's vision and make efforts to improve the quality of vision as a tool to
drive the bow and aim to make the mission of the school and school as a
translation of the vision of the school is expected to encourage a culture of
achievement in improving the quality of school education , secondly , applying
principals Education Unit Level Curriculum ( SBC ) and encourage the cre ative
efforts of teachers and students in the learning process with to elaboration learning
resources . Against teachers and employees , principals empower teachers and
employees through empowerment activities at school and outside school . As for
the student , the principal input selecting candidates to maintain the school culture
and student achievement and to contruction of the interests students through extracurricular activities as an instructional support in the classroom to produce quality
output . While the facilities and infrastructure , the principal seeks complete lack
of facilities and infrastructure in stages with priority.
The final conclusion of this study is that the implementation of the School -Based Management ( SBM ) In Christian High School Pematangsiantar Kalam
Kudus has been fully implemented , it is evident from the achievements attained
by the students at the local level , provincial level , national , and even
international level as well as the schoo l's accreditation is awarded " A " .
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