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dc.contributor.authorFukada, Herman
dc.description.abstractThis book is entitled An English Oblique Translation Analysis of “Twitter” Social Networking Website into Indonesian. This research is conducted in order to analyze a translation from one social networking website, twitter, which is served into bilingual version, English and Indonesian. The data is analyzed through a translation theory stated by Vinay and Darbelnet. The theory divides the method of translation into 2 main parts, (1) literal or direct translation which covers borrowing, calque, and literal translation. Meanwhile (2) an oblique translation, which is also called as translation procedures, serves transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation. The research method in this research used is qualitative description. The data are taken from each sentence written in English (as Source Language/SL) into Indonesian (as Target Language/TL). The objective of this research is to analyze and find out the oblique translation through the terms and sentences from English version into Indonesian versionen_US
dc.publisherLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishingen_US
dc.subjecttranslation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptationen_US
dc.titleThe Method of Translation and Practices'en_US

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