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dc.contributor.authorSILABAN, ESRA NATALIA
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the motivation of students of SMP Kristen 5 Medan in learning English and the main factors of students in learning English. in this study the researcher used qualitative methods by collecting data using questionnaires and interviews, The sample that the researchers used was 50 students for questionnaires and 5 students for interviews from Christian Middle School 5 Medan. The results of research from collecting questionnaires and interviews are that 50% of students learn English because of motivation from within themselves, students learn English because they want to be fluent in English and they know that English is an international language and is very important to use at this time. In the current era of globalization, 30% of students are motivated by encouragement from school and encouragement from parents so some students learn because they are forced to only obey their parents' orders and do not want to be punished for not learning English, and 20% of students learn English semi-neutral. intention and motivational assistance from parents and motivation from school. After conducting interviews with students at Christian Middle School 5 Medan, it turned out that many students had difficulty reading English sentences because of different ways of reading and writing and the way they did to motivate themselves from these difficulties was by asking the teacher, looking at the dictionary or asking friends. who knows better? Many students are also motivated because the teacher is good at teaching English so that lessons are made as interesting as possible so that many students are interested and not bored in learning English Students are also motivated because of encouragement from the school environment and outside of school such as motivation from parents and praise from teachers. From the results above the researcher argues that 50% of students at SMP Kristen 5 Medan have intrinsic factors in learning English because of their intention and desire without coercion from anyone.en_US
dc.subjectExtrinsic motivation,en_US
dc.subjectIntrinsic motivation,en_US
dc.subjectFactor Motivationen_US
dc.title‘Students' Motivation in Learning English As a Foreign Language By the Seventh-Grade Student of Christian Middle School 5 Medan’’en_US

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