Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah English Corespondence 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (2023-03-01)
    • English For Public Speaking 

      Pakpahan, Carolina; Putro, Hendro Siswoko (2023-02-01)
      Public speaking refers to the act of delivering a speech or presentation to a live audience. According to Mufanti, (2017:1) “Public speaking is oral communication spoken in front of large people that combines the ...
    • Modul English Drama Perfomance 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (2023-02-01)
      Literature, in a broad sense, means compositions that tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotion, and analyze ideas. Since drama or play meets those characteristics perfectly, it becomes one of the literary genres ...
    • Modul Pengantar Pendidikan 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (2023-02-01)
      Manusia merupakan subjek dari pendidikan dan merupakan sasaran dari pendidikan. Manusia dikaruniai potensi-potensi yang perlu dikembangkan agar terealisasi dalam kehidupan. dalam mengembangkan potensi-potensi yang dimiliki ...

      Pakpahan, Carolina (2023-02-01)
      In the world of education now, of course, students or students are required to always have an opinion, especially in the world of politics, they are required to think critically to add new insights that might be needed in ...
    • Profesi Kependidikan 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (Insight Mediatama, 2023-07-01)
      Pendidikan adalah proses belajar mengajar terhadap peserta didik, agar memiliki kecerdasan dan berkarakter yang baik, baik untuk diri sendiri maupun untuk masyarakat. Sebuah pendidikan biasanya diajarkan oleh seorang guru, ...
    • Reading for Gist 

      Pakpahan, Carolina (Perkumpulan Rumah Cemerlang Indonesia, 2023-06-01)
      Gist is the overall meaning, the core idea, of a spoken or written discourse. When taking a quick look at a written text to establish its genre and the main message its writer means to get across, we're reading for gist. ...