Constructivism realize that our knowledge is a construction of us that we know something. Student not only learn to imitated or reflect what was tought, but to create understanding. Knowledge or understanding is formed by student actively, not only passively received from the teacher. According to constructivist principle, teacher acts as a mediator and fasilitator who helps the process of learning process well. Emphasis is on the student who learn and not on the discipline or on the teacher.
In appling constructivism cooperative learning, student must be work cooperatively, work in this team and actively in their team to solve the problem that has been decided. Moreover this learning model can motivates students to increase the outcomes of their affective, cognitive and psychomotor and able to complete individually or classically. To support the process of implementing learning model needed school management system, curriculum, teacher, students, headmaster, evaluate, facility, society, parents, etc managed by constructivist principles so as to gain a maximal outcomes.
In this learning process, teacher do not have monopolize all the learning activities from beginning until the end of learning process but emphasis on the approaching constructivist and democracy, so that it will not be boring to the students. Therefore teacher role more as a mediator, facilitator and motivator and ready to complete all the answer the question delivered by the group to the other groups.