Browsing LP - Report Research by Author "Siagian, Parulian"
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Analisa Kebutuhan Energi Termal Pada Kotak Pengering Biji Kopi Arabica yang di Isolasi dengan Aluminium Foil
Siagian, Parulian; Napitupulu, Richard A. M; Tampubolon, Miduk; Siagian, Lestina (SJoME, 2023-02-02)The experiment test was carried out to obtain the composition of the caloric quality needed to determine the water content and the mass amount of coffee beans when they were dried by utilizing the sun's heat. Heat transfer ... -
Experimental Test of the Effect of PCM Volume as Thermal Energy Storage Solar Power in Solar Cooking Units
Napitupulu, Richard A.M; Peranginangin, Siwan E.A; Siagian, Parulian (Jurnal Polimesin, 2023-11-27)Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca adalah dengan mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar fosil dan menggantinya dengan sumber energi terbarukan. Indonesia kaya akan sumber energi terbarukan, ... -
Pengujian Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Serat Kayu Mahoni Tanpa Pengaruh Alkali
Yanhar, M Rafiq; Siagian, Parulian (SJoME, 2023-02-02)Composite is defined as a combination of two types of materials, namely matrix and reinforcement which have different properties. Composites have the advantage that they are resistant to corrosion and also have good strength ... -
Simulasi CFD Distribusi Temperatur pada Pengering Biji Kopi dengan Sistem Konveksi Paksa
Pasaribu, Humisar; Lumbangaol, Partahi; Napitupulu, Richard A.M; Siagian, Parulian; Siagian, Horas S; Setyawan, Eko Yohanes (SJoME, 2023-08-01)Drying is a mass transfer and heat transfer process that is strongly influenced by temperature and air velocity. The importance of analyzing the temperature distribution and air velocity is expected to be used as a reference ...