Pragma-Stylistics Devices and Performative Study of Selected Oral Text
Pragma-Stylistics Devices and Performative Study of Selected Oral Text is explained. The study is intended to investigate the role of pragmastylistics devices and performative study in a selected oral text. In this case an oral text from judge to the witness is selected to be the object of the research. 3 judges did the investigation and delivered some questions to the witness, it is a hate speech delivered by FZ and FH about RS. In understanding dramatic and orla texts through using pragma-stylistic approach. It is also an attempt to examine the stylistic effects of using performative act and their implication in conveying the theme of the play and the intentions of the characters. The analysis reveals that the interaction between pragma-stylistics and performative is a vital tool for analyzing oral and dramatic texts. Pragma-stylistics and performative are grouped into systematic combination depending on the purpose of the speaker or the playwright. The pragma-stylistics and performative analysis of oral text also reveals the importance of untterances in conveying the intended message of the oral through the contextual details offered about the characters and events. Generally the pragmatics device is a good point and performative is also a good way to express some utterances, statetment, question in an investigation, especially in the court. Both pragmatics devices and performatives can prove that it is easy to get trough investigation and can lead to the final decision before sentencing. Entailment and expositives are major element of linguistics and have important role play in an investigation. They are grouped in systematic combinations depending on the purpose of the speaker or the playwright; they may demonstrate the state of action or affairs, then give a request and the like, direction of fit is the most decisive aspect of the combination of expression such as expositives.