dc.description.abstract | PREFACE
Praise ard l\'I4iesty re gven to fte Almigtfy God, for His Blessing ard Love to .,*iter. He has gvm tle hllhy to wdterb wnd* tds @hingrwer[al \\,fuich will be srypukrg the philosoSry of
TeachingEnglish as Foreign Ianguage subject
TIE aimod of pryring this @hing mafcrial to povi& adverce stdeffs ofgrgtistr as foreign language' This eaching meial oor{afus of nine ctrapus. g6ch cha@rs povide the infonrwion abor* tffichingFfldi$ foreign langrrage. Aftsr stdrng oftris suUect rhe sfiderxs irmerested to mrcy ofteaching
Brg[ish ard able to applied tre rnaterial in tlrcir professiur as fte t€acher.
s\€n tE ffientiorl srgestion and sryort diich haze boen rcr*red to herby many people. TIre writer qCIuld hke m elg€ss fre aryeciatiur to tm oolleagtr l\4s. Fetril<a Dwi l,etui MHrm uilo 6arc given fte sugesfuorU @ntmeffiing to oonrfl# ftis teaching m*eriat
Ttrc uTirer rcalire &d this compilation still rreds flre revisiur ffiique ad mnmerting welmnredtocornplffiftismeialfiunftereadem. Finally,thewriterhopetrisbookcmgiveusefulto
reae$ eqpecia[y to $durts ofFrglistr Depmfnot
Nenni Triana Sinaga S.S, M.Pd. | en_US |