Refleksi Mahasiswa Selama Menjalani Pembelajaran Ketrampilan Anamnesis Pada Blok Mental Health Disorders
Background: Reflective writing is now increasingly used to turn
students’ experience into learning. At Nommensen, undergraduate
students learn history-taking skills in psychiatry by encountering
simulated and real patients.The purpose of this study was to
explore students’ reflections during history taking skills training
Methods: This was qualitative study. Data were gathered using
students’ guided written reflections. There were four history taking
skills training sessions in Mental Health Disorders block. All third
year students that underwent the block were instructed to write
their reflections, immediately after completed each session. Data
were collected and analyzed by using content analysis.
Results and conclusion: There were four categories emerged from
172 written reflections collected. They were psychiatry historytaking skills, attitudes toward psychiatry patient, knowledge of
mental health, and feelings regarding implementation of training
sessions. In the future, reflective writing and authentic experiences
are important to enhance students’ learning process. Both are also
valuable to encourage students expressions of their feelings and