Aplikasi Teknologi Effective Microorganism Procedure (EMP) pada Budidaya Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum annuum L.)
A research was conducted in Sempakata Village, Medan Selayang Subdistrict,
Medan on Ultisol with pH value of 5.5, started on March 2012 and ended in
September 2012. The aim of the research was to study the effect of manurebiofertilizer combination, NPK fertilizer and their interaction on the growth and
yield of hot chilli (Capsicum annum L.). The research used factorial block
random design, with combination of organic manure (manure-biofertilizer
combination) and anorganic NPK fertilizer doses as treatments and three times of
replication. The first treatment consisted of: no chicken manure (A0), 20 t/ha of
chicken manure (A1), 20 t/ha of chicken manure + 6 l/ha of biofertilizer with once
application (A2), and 20 t/ha of chicken manure + 6 l/ha of biofertilizer with four
times application, that is 7, 21, 35 and 47 days after planting (A3). The second
factor consisted of: no NPK fertilizer (N0), a half of recommendation dose of NPK
fertilizer (N1), and a full dose of NPK fertilizer, that was 300 kgs/ha (N2). The
parameters used were: height of the plant, the total of productive branches, total
fruit in a plant, weight of a single fruit, fruit weight of a plant, yield per block, and
yield per hectare.The result showed that treatment of chicken manure-biofertilizer
combination increased height of the plant, total fruit in a plant, fruit weight of a
plant and the yield per hectare, but did not increase weight of a single fruit and the
total of productive branches. The doses of anorganic NPK fertilizer increased
height of the plant, total fruit in a plant, fruit weight of a plant, and yield per
hectare, but did not increase the total of productive branches. The interaction of
both treatments increased the height of the plant, but did not increase other
- Lain-lain [137]