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dc.contributor.authorSipahutar, Elia Monalisa
dc.description.abstractCurrent influences of globalization include education, culture (including languages), which often prioritize the use foreign languages rather than Indonesia. Like slang, it is also called an informal language which is preferred by language users. That is what drives teenagers to use slang, they find slang very interesting. Although not a formal language, the use of slang from generation to generation never stops. Previously called prokem, now the term has changed to slang, some even refer to the term baby language. Slang is a language used by Indonesia teenagers who want to show excessive trends and sensations and these trends change the style of writing, and fashion style, and raisis narcisim. The author uses descriptive qualitative. From this analysis, it illustrates the analysis of slang in status on Facebook. The data source of this study was taken from five teenage slang status on Facebook. The data source of this study was taken from five teenage slang status updates on Facebook. Data has been selected two weeks ago so he knows how many people use this slang. The author gets five actively used for Facebook in using their updated slang status. There are four types of slang used by teenagers on Facebook, namely the use of upper and lower case letters, the use of numbers in numbers, the use of numbers into letters in sentences, and punctuation or abuse of punctuation on Facebook. Furthermore, the six type of status updates expressed by teenagers on facebook are action feelings/emotions, presence, questions, important words and wise words. Teenagers are more interested in using slang than the right Indonesia to change their status on facebook.en_US
dc.subjectSlang Language,en_US

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