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dc.contributor.authorSIREGAR, RENI DESWANTY
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to understand the use of discourse deixis and social deixis in the album "Parachutes" by Coldplay and the album "Ho Do Sasude" by Dorman Manik. This research employs qualitative methods to collect data. A total of 19 lyrics from the "Parachutes" album and 41 lyrics from the "Ho Do Sasude" album contain discourse deixis and social deixis. The findings of the research indicate that the use of deixis in song lyrics serves to create communicative effects and build relationships between characters and figures in the song using discourse deixis and social deixis. The use of discourse deixis in both the "Parachutes" and "Ho Do Sasude" albums serves to elucidate the meaning of previous words in the lyrics. In contrast, the use of social deixis in the "Parachutes" album focuses solely on closeness or social relationships. Unlike the lyrics of the "Ho Do Sasude" album, the use of social deixis is related to the culture of the Batak tribe, so the calls or social deixis in the "Ho Do Sasude" album are based on the customs and traditions of the Batak tribe. This research is important to introduce that there are deixis in song lyrics that not many people know. The function of deixis in song lyrics is to enhance the song lyrics so that the message and meaning of the song lyrics can be enjoyed by listeners and listeners can be carried away by the atmosphere of the song lyrics.en_US
dc.subjectLyric Songs,en_US
dc.titleDiscourse and Social Deixis analysis in the Lyric of Coldplay and Dorman Manik Songs: A Comparative Analytical Study of English and Bataknese Deixisen_US

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