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dc.contributor.authorSIAGIAN, AMELIA DOMU ROMAULI
dc.description.abstractSlang language have become part of everyday language, as people use them in daily conversations. However, Slang often creates or changes the meaning of words or phrases that already exist in the formal language. This research entitled “An Analysis of Using Slang Of Gen Z Based on TikTok Videos: Sociolinguistics Approach”. This research aims to analyze and find out the types of slang, and to identify the dominant type of slang language in TikTok videos. This study referred to the theory of types of slang by Partridge (2004). This study employed descriptive qualitative method. Documentation and taking notes were employed during the study for the purpose of data collections. The results of this research showed that there are 30 slang languages found by researchers. 25 data of them are society slang, such as mukbang, viral, massage, worth it, guys, healing, burnout, fomo, friendly, idol, pov, pick me girl, cool cats, kitten, guys, gonna, kicking off, darn it, outfit, guys, so dead, bts, shades, and little doll, 4 data Slang in publicity such as Everwhite, Frestea, Fresh Break Zone, and Reglow, 1 data Public House slang that is cheers. Also the percentage of usage for each type of slang is as follows: Society slang 83,33%, Slang in Publicity 13,33%, and Public House slang 3,33%. Based on the result there are 3 types of slang that appear in TikTok videos and society slang is the most dominant type of slang because society slang is more prevalent and often used.en_US
dc.subjectGen Z,en_US
dc.titleAn Analysis Of Using Slang Language of Gen Z Based on TikTok Videos: Sociolinguistics Approachen_US

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