Korelasi Antara Indeks Massa Tubuh Dengan Kadar Asam Urat Pada Laki-Laki Lanjut Usia Di Kecamatan Gido Kabupaten Nias Pada Tahun 2015
Introduction: Elderly is the end of development on human life cycle and the people at the age of 60 years old. Based on WHO, the number of people aged ≥ 60 years old in the world, was growing to 510 million people in 2011. In the elderly, the immune system decreased that lead to many diseases and one of them is arthritis (51,9%). Gouty arthritis is an inflammatory procces that occurs due to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints and characterized by elevated levels of uric acid (hyperuricemia). One of the causes of hyperuricemia is increasing of the Body Mass Index (BMI). The object of this study was to determine the correlation between Body Mass Index with uric acid level in elderly men in Gido subdistric, Nias regency.
Methods: The research was conducted in analytic method with cross-sectional design. The respondents were 51 elderly men in Gido subdistric, Nias regency. The technique of sampling was Purposive Sampling. The data used was primary data and taken directly. The data taken were BMI and the level of uric acid from capillary blood vessel.
Results: Body mass index (BMI) in elderly men in Gido subdistric, Nias regency had normal BMI showed by 28 respondent (54,9%) and high uric acid level showed by 30 respondent (58,8%). The normal BMI was because of apoptosis process of the old cell, but the high uric acid level was because of the food intake of the elderly men in Gido Subdistric was rich of purin.
Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between Body Mass Index and uric acid level with the p value = 0,105.