.” transitivity system and generic structure in descriptive paragraph written by 10th grade students at SMA Mardi Lestari Medan
This thesis is a study about an analysis of transitivity system and generic structure in descriptive paragraph written by 10th grade students at SMA Mardi Lestari Medan. the Objectives of this study is to identify the process types, participant, circumstance elements and generic structure found in the descriptive paragraph written by the students of SMA Mardi Lestari Medan. The study uses the descriptive qualitative research as the reseacrh design. The subject of this study is the 10th grade of SMA Mardi Lestari Medan which consist of 19 students. The writer took 10 random sampling as the subjetc of this study. Finally, the result of this research study shows that relational process frequency is 59%, material process 24%, mental process 15%, behavioral process and verbal process frequency is 0%, existentional process frequency is 2%. For the participant, actor has frequency 12%, senser 4%, token 16%, carrier 22%, goal 4%, phenomenon 3%, value 18%, attribute 18%, existent 1%, client 1%, recipient 1%, for the last possessor, sayer, behavior, range, possessed, verbiage, behavioural, receiver didn’t exist from the total number of the data. The last element of the transitivity system is circumstance. Extent(spatial) 4%, extent(temporal) 6%, location (spatial) 15%, location (temporal) 6%, manner 22%, accompaniment 4%, matter 33%, cause 8%, contingency 1%, the last is role circumstance didn’t exist from the total number of the data. This study is suggested for the students in English Department and also for english teacher as resource of valuable knowledge and information of transitivity system.