Improving Student’s Speaking Skill by using Podast British Council for Tenth Grade students at SMK Jambi Medan
Podcast is a digital recording which contains recorded programs from television, radio, and interviews. This research aims at finding out if there is a significant improvement on students’ speaking skills by using this Podcast British Council. Class X Accounting 2 was chosen as the sample of this study with total 22 students. This pre-experimental study employs pre-test and post-test. These tests are provided in the form of oral tests. The data from these tests were then calculated by using statistical formulas. The result showed that the post-test score was higher than the pre-test. The finding showed that there was a significant improvement of the students’ speaking skills performance after undertaking treatments. The students have large number of vocabularies. The students speak confidently. They are able to speak fluently; the students are interested in joining speaking class when the teacher applied Podcast British Council Media. The mean score range from pretest and posttest is 60,6 from pre observation test, 61,72 from pretest and 78,5 from posttest. The percentages of the students who successful in this study were 86%. Thus, podcast media can be used as one of the alternative media in teaching English especially speaking skill in classroom.