The Analysis of Speech Function of Teachers’ Talk in English Classroom of SMKN 5 Medan
This study deals with the teachers’ talk of the English teachers of SMKN 5 Medan. It is aimed to describe the type of speech function used by English teachers in English classroom of SMKN 5 Medan, to find out the most dominant type used by English teachers in English classroom of SMKN 5 Medan, and to describe the reason why the English teachers use speech function differently in the English classroom. The research of this thesis was carried by using descriptive qualitative. The researcher used triangulation technique of collecting data. They are observation, audiovisual material, and interview. The data of transcription are classified into six basic types of speech function. There are expressive, directive, referential, metalinguistic, poetic and phatic. The researcher observed three English teachers of SMKN 5 Medan. From three teachers who observed, the researcher found different total utterances and percentage. The total utterance of three teachers is 178 utterances which classified into six types of speech function. The most dominant type used by all teachers is referential function. There are 90 utterances of 178 utterances (50.56%)belong to referential function. The reason why they use speech function differently is because each type of speech function has different function which should adjust to different condition and situation in the classroom.