The Effect Of Make A Match Technique On Students Vocabulary Mastery At Smp Nasrani 2 Medan
This thesis is a study about The Effect Of Make A Match Technique On Students Vocabulary Mastery At Smp Nasrani 2 Medan. The object of this study is to find out whether make a match technique significantly effect the student’s in vocabulary mastery or not. The subject of this study is eight grade students at SMP Nasrani 2 Medan. The sample was consisted of 20 students. The data collection was done by administering pre test and post test. The study uses quantitative approach by using experimental of the study. In the data analysis, paired sample T test was used to prove the hypothesis. Based on the data guined, it was found that the mean scores of the pre test was 37,45 while the mean scores of the post test was 86,35. It means that there was a significant difference between pre test and post test, t ( df=38 ) = 1,697 that was lower than 0,05. It means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted which indicates that make a match technique was significantly effective in the teaching vocabulary. Additionally, the result of this study shows that make a match technique is a good vocabulary learning technique. Thus, it is stongly suggested that teachers apply this technique to help improve vocabulary of the student.