Analysis Transitivity Representations of The Argumentative Essay Writing by The English Fourth Semester Students of HKBP Nommensen University
This thesis is about Analysis Transitivity Representations of The Argumentative Essay Writing by The English Fourth Semester Students of HKBP Nommensen University. The objectives of this research were to find out the types, the dominant types and the implication of dominant types of the processes, participants, and circumstances in student’s Argumentative Essay. This study was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative research. The analysis was based on the argumentative essay which written by the English fourth semester students of HKBP Nommensen University. The writer took 15 sample argumentative essay that was analysed. The result of analyses conclude that there were 432 processes, 617 participants, 108 circumstances in 432 clauses. It showed the most dominant process was Material process (44%), the most dominant of participant was Goal (23,8%), and the most dominant of circumstances was location (32,4%). Material process is the most dominant one because it indicates action, activity, things that were done or happened physically in the outside world of human beings. In the argumentative Essay that written by the English fourth semester students of HKBP Nommensen University, Most of the Essay told about the bad impact of playing video game for gamer behaviourism. Others side, it will cause them forget to do their duties or activities. So the physical or action verbs are mostly used as the representations of the physical experience of human beings. The goal was the dominant participant and actor is in the second position. The students are still difficult to arrange a good sentence. Because some of the essays are still less in subject or the doer of the action. Location came out as the most dominant one in circumstance. It was caused the students mention more both place and time in their essay as the implication the most dominant participant and circumstance.