The Effect of Pass the Parcel Game On Students Vocabulary Mastery Of the Eight Grade Student’s at SMP HKBP PADANG BULAN MEDAN
This study focused on finding out the effect of using Pass The Parcel Game on Vocabulary Mastery. This study was conducted in experimental research. This subject of study was the eight grade students in SMP HKBP Padang Bulan Medan. This study was conducted with two group namely Experimental Group and control group. The Experimental group was taught by Pass The Parcel Game, while the Control group was taught by conventional strategy. The instrument of collecting the data was multiple choice and matching test which consist of 20 items. In the Analysis the data, the mean of the students score for the pre-test in experimental group 60, and the mean of post –test in experimental group is 75,25, the mean for pre-test in control group is 44, and the mean for post –test is 72,75. The calculation shown the reliability was 0,5883. The data were analyzed by using T-test formula. The calculation shown that t-observed (4,46) was higher than t-table (1,686) at the level significant (ɑ) 0,05 with the degree of the freedom (df) 38. It means there was a significant effect of using Pass The Parcel Game on students’ vocabulary mastery. So , Ha is accepted.