The Effect Of Process And Product Approaches On The Students’ Competence In Writing Different Types Of Text Eight Grade SMP Negeri 2 PercutSei Tuan
This study aimed to knowthe effect of process and product approaches on the students’ competence in writing different types of text eight grade SMPNegeri 2 PercutSeiTuan
The study used descriptive quantitative method as research design. The subject of the study was eight grade students of SMP Negeri 2PercutSei Tuan consisting of 60 students and as the object of study is 30 students. Finally, the result of the study shows there are two types of conjunction in writing decsriptive text, namely; generic sctructure. There are 10 students get very poor (40%),12 students get poor (48%),2 students get fair to poor (8%) and 1 students get fair (4%). According to the result that the ability of the students of using approaches in writing descriptive text poor category with the mean score 17. Based on explanation above the research concluded that students at SMP Negeri 2PercutSei Tuan unable in using approaches in writing descriptive text. It can be seen from the median of the median of the students’s score which is lower than KKM .Therefor the Positive Hypotesis (Ha) is not accepted
This thesis is suggested for the students in English Department and also English teachers as source of valuable knowledge and information of students’ competence in writing descriptive text.