Improving English Writing Skills Through Board Game For Grade X Students First Semester at Mardi Lestari Medan
This study deals with improving english writing skill through board game for grade X students. This study tries to find out does Board Game strategy significantly improve writing skill of students. Board game strategy is one of the group learning strategies that involves students directly because it enjoy strategy to study, that is closely related with the students’ writing skills in solving the problem of writing. This study is conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of this study is the first semester of SMA Mardi Lestari Medan. The sample of this study is the students XI-IPA consisting 20 students. There were two kinds of collected data during the study; quantitative and qualitative data. The data for collecting the quantitative data was writing test while with qualitative data were gathered through obsevation sheet and diary notes. The qualitative data showed the students were interested in Board Game Strategy. Based on quantitative data, it is found that students’ writing achievement improved from pre-test and post-test cycle I. The students’who got score in pre-test is 46,55 and the post-test cycle I is 64,05. There was an improvement of the application of Board Game Strategy to teach writing descriptive text. It is suggested to the students English Departement, to study several strategy especially the Board Game to make them easier to teach English and for English teacher, to know many strategies in teaching writing so that the learning process has a good variation and make students more enjoyable.