An Error Analysis on Using Relative Pronoun on Student’s Writing Skill of SMA NEGERI 2 KABANJAHE
This research is attempts to discuss about students’ error analysis on using relative pronoun on student’s writing skill by the second year students of SMA NEGERI 2 KABANJAHE. The objective of this study to find out the types of error is made by the students in using relative pronoun in writing descriptive text. The subject of the study was the second year students of SMA NEGERI 2 KABANJAHE. The study used descriptive qualitative research. The result of the study showed there are three types of errors in using relative pronoun in writing descriptive text namely: error of omission, error of overinclusion, error of misselection, error of misordering and error of blend. The writer didn’t find any errors in error of omission and error of blend. The dominant error is error of misordering with 23 error, in the second error is error of overinclusion with 13 error and the last place is error of misselection with 10 error. This thesis is suggested for the students and also teachers of English department as source of valuable knowledge and information of students’ error in using relative pronoun.