Reading Comprehension through Question Generation Strategy in Narrative Text of Eight Grade Students at SMP Negeri 28 Medan Johor
The objective of the study is to find out whether the question generation strategy in improve students reading comprehension. The population of this study was used the students of SMP NEGERI 28 MEDAN JOHOR. The subject of this research was taken the students of second grade consisting of 30 students. Question generation strategy is a reading comprehension strategy whereby readers ask and answer meaningful question about the text’s important or main ideas while reading. The instrument used to collect the data was of multiple choice tests. The data was analyzed statically by Question Generation strategy in the text. This study used quantitative and qualitative research 30 students of second grade class. The quantitative data were taken by reading text of the students score in the pre-test 1,691 was 56.36% after question generation strategy was applied, it increased in the post-test 1 score 1,990 became 66.33% and in the post-test II the score 2,162 it increased became 72.06% in the post-test II. It can be concluded that question generation strategy worked effectively to help students improve their in reading comprehension. It was suggested that teachers of English apply question generation strategy as one of the alternatives in teaching reading comprehension.