.Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Circle Game.A Thesis, Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Nommensen HKBP University Medan
The objectives of this research is to know whether Circle Game improves the students’ vocabulary mastery is a strategy of teaching vocabulary mastery.The researcher conducted a classroom action research at the eleventh grade of SMK N 5 Medan. This research was conducted in class XI DPIB 4 which contains of 25 students, including 19 males and 6 females. It consisted of 2 cycles. each cycle consisted of two meetings.The result of this research showed that CIrcle Game could improve students’ vocabulary mastery at eleventh grade of SMK N 5 Medan. The improvement can be seen from the result of the test. The mean score of pre-test was 41.90, post test I was 60.95, and post test II 76.42. It means that there is a significant improvement in the students’ ability mastering vocabulary by using circle game. Besides, the students were also more active and fun in joining class activities, less of stres and preasure.