The Effectiveness of Using Animated Film In Teaching Writing Narrative Text
The objective this study was to found the effectiveness of using animated film in teaching writing narrative text. This study was conclude by using classroom action research. The objective of the study is to find out whether the animated film affects the writing narrative text. The subject of this research was second year student of SMA Imelda Medan. The research was concluded experimental quantitative research. There were 60 students as a subject. This subject was divided into two groups, namely experimental group and control group was applying by conventional technique. The instrument of collecting the data was writing narrative test. The result of research show that using animated film is effective to improve students’ writing skill. It can be proved by the pre-test to post-test mean of the students’ writing skill of the class which were not taught with animated film in teaching writing 52.26 to 60.23. The students’ writing skill of the class which are taught by animated film in teaching writing shows significant improvement 57.03 to 66.6. From the t-test result, it should be seen that the class which is taught by animated film in teaching writing get higher score 10.46 than the class which is not taught by animated film in teaching writing 7.9. It indicates that by using animated film in teaching, the students can improve their writing skill effectively.