Improving the Ability of Writing Recount Text by Using Problem Based Learning of 9th Grade Students at SMP N 37 Medan
This research attemps to find out whether Problem Based Learning improve students in writing recount text. The population of this study were used the students of SMP N 37 Medan. The subject of this study research was taken the students of ninth grade consisting of 30 students. Problem Based Learning is a writing model whereby writer asked to write about the recount text.The instruments used to collect the data is written test. The data was analyzed statically by Problem Based Learning model in the text. This study used quantitative and qualitative research 30 students of ninth grade class. The quantitative data was taken by writing recount text score in the pre-test 1,850was 61.66, after Problem Based Learning was applied, it increased the score of the students in post-test I score 2,087 became 69.56 and in the post test II the score 2,437 it became 81.23. It can be concluded that Problem Based Learning worked effectively to help students improve their in writing recount text. It was suggested that the teacher of English apply Problem Based Learning model as a one of the alternative in writing recount text.