The Students Ability in Understanding Implicature in English Conversation.
This study fosuced on finding out the sixth semester students’ ability in understanding implicature in English conversation at English Department HKBP University of Nommensen Medan 2018. This study was conducted by using quantitative method. The population of this research was the Sixth Semester Students of English Depatrment of HKBP University of Nommensen Medan 2018. The sample that was chosen for this research was the students of Group C that consist of 40 students. The instrument of collecting data used by the writer was short English conversation in the form of audio-listening. There were 16 short English conversation where each item was consisted of implicature. The students was asked to write the implicature of the short English conversation given. The result od this study shows that there are 11 students who are considered to be able in understanding implicature in English conversation, meanwhile, there are 29 students who are considered to be unable in understanding implicature in English conversation. The percentage of the students who are able in understanding implicature in English conversation is 27.5%. The mean score of the students’ test is 51,56 where it is lower than 66 which is consiedered to be unable to understand implicature in English onversation. Thus, the Hypothesis alternative (Ha) is rejected and Hypotehsis null (Ho) is accepted. From the result above it can be said that the students are not able in understanding implicature in English conversation.