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dc.contributor.authorSIHALOHO, MERRY HAPPY
dc.description.abstractThis study analyzes the main character, Angel, in Redeeming Love movie that is directed by D.J Caruso and written by Francine Rivers. It tells a life-changing story that portrays the dark life of the main character and how she gains a better life. There are some changes that happen in the main character's life and some reasons behind the changes. This study focuses on discussing the changes that happen related to the main character's personality. There are four players described by the author and have been analyzed in this section. There is research question discussed in this study. “What kinds of characteristics of the main character on the Redeeming Love movie?” This study applies library research as the data gathering technique. The writer uses some theories to answer the research questions. The characterization (Murphy, 1972) and personality trait using Robert (Jeff) McCrae and Paul Costa. Based on the data found, there are five personalities that occur in each player. Angel's personality, this female lead has more dialogue in the section which shows that ngel is an introverted personality i.e. as many as 150 dialogues and this does not include the image of a character who has no dialogue but a working movement. Michael characterization in Redeeming Love Movie. According to the formula. Same one whit Angel but make different is Michael has a good character and a good personality. Michael is more guarded and directed not to rush in taking steps in his life. Michael has an open mind from every dialogue, as many as 136 dialogues which show that this man has an Openness personality. Duke is a very useful additional player by having 109 dialogues which show that Duke has a Neuroticm personality. Paul also has 39 dialogue but continues to show that this player has the personality of Agreeability.en_US
dc.subjectPersonality trait,en_US
dc.subjectRedeeming Loveen_US
dc.titleAn analysis of main characters in Redeeming Love Movie.en_US

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