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dc.contributor.authorMANIK, INKA WULANSARI
dc.description.abstractThe Taboo Language is words that should be avoided completely, or at least avoided in mixed associations or polite friendships. The purpose of this study was to identify the types and functions of taboo language used by students at SMPN 3 Kualuh Leidong in playing online games. This research was conducted using qualitative methods in analyzing taboo language. The data source is taboo words from students while playing online games. The technique of collecting data is obtained from recorded, questionnaire, Transcribing students utterances which are classified as taboo language, after the writer made the transcript, the writer translated it into English and analyzed the types of taboo words used in each sentence, concludes that the types and functions of taboo. The data of this research are 126 utterances containing taboo words. The findings of this study indicate that the students use four types of taboo words and two functions of taboo words. The finding of this research is 1) Epithet with a number of 161, 2) Profanity with a number of 3, 3) vulgarity with a number of 20, and 4) obscenity with a number of 4. The function of taboo language in this research are 1) to show contempt Using taboo language in a conversation between two people also shows disrespect, with a total of 161, 2) To draw attention to oneself Inspire an immediate reaction from your audience that's why people use taboos. Words believed to be able to grab the listener's attention because of their strong, with a number of 20. Taboo language is a language that must be avoided because taboo language is a forbidden language that is not worth speaking.en_US
dc.subjectTaboo Language,en_US
dc.subjectStudent at SMPN 3 Kualuh Leidong,en_US
dc.subjectOnline Game.en_US
dc.titleThe Taboo Language Used By Student at SMPN 3 Kualuh Leidong In Online Game.en_US

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