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dc.contributor.authorSimamora, Rince
dc.description.abstractHate speech is a negative attitude towards specific behaviors occurring in specific context, it is designed to attack face, and thereby cause social conflict and disharmony. This study purposed to identify the types of impoliteness found in Facebook. In this study, the researcher analyzed types of impoliteness and the most dominant type of Impoliteness found in Facebook, based on the theory of Culpeper (2011), namely: bald on record impoliteness, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness and sarcasm. This study used descriptive qualitative research to analyze the data. The source of data was taken from social media namely Facebook, and the researcher collect the data juring Joko Widodo’s as President from 2014 until June 2020, the instrument of collecting data were observed and documentary and technique collecting data by the followed steps: open the Facebook application to seen the hate speech addressed to President Joko Widodo during his tenure made by Facebook users, The researcher had observed the hate speech made by Facebook users then the writer take the hate speech to know what are types of impoliteness used by Facebook users. The researcher found 100 data that involved in Bald on Record Impoliteness (10%), Positive Impoliteness (21%), Negative Impoliteness (56%), Sarcasm (13%). From the result, the researcher concluded that Negative Impoliteness is the most dominant type of Impoliteness found in Facebook.en_US
dc.subjectHate Speech,en_US
dc.subjectImpoliteness Strategies,en_US
dc.titleImpoliteness Of Political Hate Speech Found Facebooken_US

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