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dc.contributor.authorSimbolon, Rince Elfrida
dc.description.abstractThis research is intended to find out whether Genre Based Approach significantly effect the students’ achievement in reading in descriptive text or not. In this thesis, the writer conducted an experimental quantitative research. The population of this research was the seventh grade of SMP HKBP PADANG BULAN MEDAN. There were two classes of the second grade students namely VII A and VII B. The sample of this research were two classes which were selected by using total sampling. They were 40 students. The classes were divided in two groups, namely experimental and control group. The experimental group was thaught by using Genre Based Approach, while control group was thaught without Genre Based Approach. The instrument of collecting the data was multiple choices. The data were analyzed by using t-test. The calculating scores shows that t-observed is 3,09. it was higher than t-table 1.686 at level of significance 0,05 with the degree of freedom 38. It means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and nul hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In other words. Genre Based Approach significantly affect students’ reading comprehension.en_US
dc.subjectGenre Based Approach Reading Skill.en_US
dc.titleThe Effect Of Using Genre Based Approach On The Students Achievement In Reading In SMP HKBP PADANG BULAN MEDANen_US

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