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dc.contributor.authorDebataraja, Ferniska
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is written to achive some objectives, namely to describe the differences consonant and vowel sounds in English and to find out and figure consonant and vowel sounds which often get interference by students Tobanese. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method. The research was carrid out at field Nommensen HKBP University on June 21-〖22〗^nd, 2019. Subjects of this research are students English Department at the sixth semester consist of three groups, and choose ten students randomly who come from Tobanese and have Toba Batak as mother tongue. To get the data, the writer used observation, recording, and speaking practice-test as the instruments. From the describing and analyzing the data, there are 24 consonant sounds and 17 vowel sounds (without dipthong and tripthong), while Toba language 17 consonant sounds and 5 vowel sounds. The consonant sounds which often got interference by Tobanese are as [/d/, /p/, /h/, /ʤ/, /t/, /ʃ/, /g/, /l/] and vowel sounds such as [/ə/, /æ/, /ɔː/, ɒ/, ʊ/, /ʌ/, /ɔː/, /ɛ/, /e/, /ɪ/, /uː/].en_US
dc.titlePronunciation Interference of Tobanese in English by the Sixth Semester of Students English Department FKIP NHU Medanen_US

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