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dc.contributor.authorSiregar, Devi
dc.description.abstractThis thesis focused on finding lexical ambiguity and classified the types of lexical ambiguity in reading hortatory text. There are two types of lexical ambiguity namely polysemy and homonymy. In text “ The Negative Effect of Facebook” showed there were 6 lexical ambiguity, 3 polysemy and 3 homonymy. The research method used descriptive quantitative. The descriptive quantitative was used to analysis of the ability in understanding lexical ambiguity in reading hortatory text of the third grade students at SMKN 5 Medan. The highest students’ score in understanding lexical ambiguity was 92 and the lowest score was 25.There were 15 students who were able in understanding lexical ambiguity in reading hortatory text 30% and there were 35 who were unable in understanding lexical ambiguity in reading hortatory text 70%.The final result shows that the third grade students of SMKN 5 Medan are unable in understanding lexical ambiguity in reading “ The Negative Effect of Facebook”as example of hortatory text, because their mean score was 59.96.en_US
dc.subjectlexical ambiguityen_US
dc.subjecthomonymy, polysemyen_US
dc.subjecthortatory exposition texten_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of The Ability in Understanding Lexical Ambiguity in Reading Hortatory Text of the Third grade Students at SMKN 5 Medanen_US

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