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dc.contributor.authorSIMAMORA, DEBORA MARGARETHA
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to obtain the empirical data of the effect of ChatGPT application towards stuents blity in writing epoxosition text . This research was conducted using experimental quantitative method. The sample of the research was 40 student of eight grade at SMP Negeri 37 Medan . The sample of the research are VIII A as the experimental class and VIII B as the control class . In the experimental class , the researcher used ChatGPT application as teaching media while in the control class , the researcher used conventional method in learning process..The instrument of the research was writing test wee divided in to pre-test and post-test. The data obtained from fom the test were analyzed by usin SPSS20 program. Based on the criteria of hypothesis of the test that if hypothesis t-significant 2 tailed (p) was lower than alpha 0,05 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted . It also proved that there were positive effect of using ChatGPT application on students writing exposition text. So it can be concluded that is ChatGPT application shows the significant effect on students writing exposition at the eigt grade of SMP Negeri 37 Medan .en_US
dc.subjectExposition Text,en_US
dc.subjectTeaching Mediaen_US
dc.titleRegistration Number : 20120051 “ The Effect of ChatGPT Application Towards Students Ability in Writing Exposition Text At The Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 37 Medanen_US

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